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EMA News & Insights

  • EMA Volunteers Support Water Action Day 2018

    On the second annual ‘Minnesota Water Action Day,’ a coalition of water-focused groups rallied support at the Minnesota State Capitol for clean, healthy water. During the May 2 event, attendees met with their legislators to discuss water issues in Minnesota and advocate for policies that protect our water. This was followed by a rally in the Capitol Rotunda. The day started with morning briefings for participants on how to actively engage legislators and on Minnesota’s water issues. EMA sent a delegation of volunteers to keep participants supplied with coffee and bagels.

    EMA volunteers at Water Action Day. L to R: Nisha Thuruthy, Barbara Lind, Rajan Jha, Lisa Steidl, Terry Brueck, Alia Collins, and Elissa Lindberg.




    Keeping the hungry crowds fed at Water Action Day.


    The coffee ran out, but a riot was avoided.


    It wasn’t all seriousness.

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